simple message

美 [ˈsɪmpl ˈmesɪdʒ]英 [ˈsɪmpl ˈmesɪdʒ]
  • 简单的信息;简明的要旨
simple messagesimple message
  1. God promises that if we present this simple message , he will use it to change lives .


  2. Now people do not simply want to pass a simple message but also want to put more information to each other .


  3. " You can send a sweet , simple message without saying a word . "


  4. The sample application used here is a simple message board .


  5. Below is a simple message flow that you will need to create .


  6. The simple message said , " Prepare three envelopes ! "


  7. You can also use other simple message formats , such as JSON .


  8. If the status file is requested , a simple message is emitted .


  9. If there are no stories , then it shows a simple message saying as much .


  10. And I 'm here with a simple message : middle-class economics works .


  11. And meanwhile , let 's also get the simple message straight : It 's Eat Real Food .


  12. , and a program that will get this single , simple message across : Eat Real Food .


  13. So maybe they do send a simple message after all - you 're worth it .


  14. And meanwhile , let 's also get the simple message straight : It 's " Eat Real Food . "


  15. Do you have any significant difficulty conveying a simple message to strangers ? Yes .


  16. But I have for you a very simple message that offers more hope than you can imagine .


  17. Yet for all its complexity , their report has a simple message : one number cannot summarise everything .


  18. When a virus infects a cell , it sends that cell a simple message : Make more viruses .


  19. Students have been dismissed from school because they didn 't get this simple message : Honesty is the ONLY policy that works .


  20. In order to make the recipes flow better , they will be all guided by the creation of a simple message board .


  21. But that simple message once a week , made HIV-positive recipients significantly more likely to take their medicine and remain healthy .


  22. Unfortunately , such a simple message would not provide the same level of publicity and fees for the various participants as the current circuit does .


  23. The download file provided with this article is a project interchange file for the Message Broker toolkit that provides a simple message flow as follows


  24. He switched to Transmit and repeted the simple message ," Come in , please ," several times ; then left the set on Receive .


  25. But Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson appeared repeatedly on U.S. television Sunday with a simple message : failure to act will bring economic catastrophe .


  26. Then , a simple message about the build is written to the output stream , which the remote SPOT reads ; it then returns a short confirmation message .


  27. The these summarize the theories of ACCESS database and its relative technology , Emphasize the treatise ACCESS database with the ASP middle technique , set up a simple message board .


  28. One survivor gave him a painting of an angel with the rays of the sun and the simple message : An angel who walks amongst us .


  29. Consider the performance penalty of using a SOAP interface and streams XML parser ( StAX ) to handle a simple message schema where the message size grows .


  30. That seems like an almost throw-away question . But that simple message once a week , made HIV-positive recipients significantly more likely to take their medicine and remain healthy .
